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FAQ & Troubleshooting
Princess Diana Museum, "It's All About The Hair" E-book 

The Princess Diana 3D Virtual Museum holds14 galleries to explore with over 2,700 historical items, 40+ exclusive audio interviews with the creators and designers who were close to the late Princess Diana. The Princess Diana 3D Virtual Museum is an ongoing charitable educational project and as such, more items of important historical value from Princess Diana's life will be added to the museum over time.


"It's All About The Hair: My Decade with Diana, H.R.H Princess of Wales - A Memoir by Richard Dalton & Renae Plant" is digitally delivered via email as an E-book (EPUB and Amazon Kindle) file after you purchased it in our website. It may be then used on a dedicated e-reader device by downloading and installing it on an e-reader app, or other software on your PC/MAC/iPad/iPhone/Kindle computer, smartphone, or tablet compatible with Apple Books and/or Amazon supported devices. A key feature of the EPUB format is that it is optimized for different devices and displays, making for a better reading experience. Please continue reading below specific instructions for Apple Books and Amazon Kindle devices and refer to specific service provider online support for more help and instructions.   

  • How do I access the Princess Diana Museum for the first time?
    There are Four (4) Museum Access Plans and Five (5) Patron levels to choose from depending on your desired length of use and/or donation. Museum Access Plans: - 24 hour - 1 week - 1 month - 3 months Patron levels: - Sequins - Jewel - Diamond - Tiara - Crown Note: Patron levels are 1 year based on your donation with the exception of the Crown Patron which includes lifetime access. View Museum Access Video below. PLEASE NOTE: To enlarge video, enter "Full Screen" at bottom right hand corner of video. Museum Access Plans and Patron levels can be selected from the home page.
  • What happens after I select my membership or patron level?
    You will be directed to the check-out page where you will enter: Your name Billing Information Payment Details This takes place on a secure server using encrypting seal technologies provided by Pabbly©Payment Subscription Services and PayPal© Payment Gateway, service providers privacy, data protection, use of cookies and end user polices may apply. PLEASE NOTE: If you have a valid COUPON CODE you will enter it, select and click “Apply Coupon Code”. Total amount at checkout adjusts accordingly. Next you will click “Check Out Now” button at the bottom of the page to complete your donation and you will be directed to the log in authorization page to enter the email used in the previous checkout page and create your account password.
  • How do I create an account?
    After successfully checking out you will receive a confirmation email and you will be automatically directed to the Log in Authorization Page. Here you will: Enter the email used in the previous checkout page Create your account password Select and click the “LOGIN” button You will be automatically redirected to the “PP” Museum loading page PLEASE NOTE: Loading times may vary according to your internet connection and speed. Do not hit the back or forward buttons in your browser as this will disconnect you or interrupt the loading sequence. You can use this log in information to access the museum for as long as your membership is active and depending on the membership access plan you selected.
  • How do I access the Museum once I have become a member?
    Once you click "LOGIN" your subscription starts. You will be automatically redirected to the museum loading page – See FAQ #3. Depending on your internet connection and speed, :30 seconds to 1 minute load time is normal to complete the museum loading sequence. When museum is loaded you will be automatically placed in the museum foyer Here you can choose your English or Spanish guided tour, or navigate on your own. PLEASE NOTE: If you lose internet connection from your server you will need to log back in and start this process again.
  • How do I navigate once inside the Princess Diana 3D Virtual Museum?
    Once inside you will arrive in the foyer where a Virtual Avatar will appear at the bottom of your screen. Virtual Avatar will ask you if you would like the tour in English or Spanish. Select either English or Spanish. Virtual Avatar will ask you if you would like a guided tour to get started. We suggest first time users to select YES, and let the Avatar guide you around each gallery where they can showing you items of interest until you get familiar. Virtual Avatar will show you how to navigate by moving your mouse and clicking the circle to where you want to go. Virtual Avatar will then ask you to proceed to the “Teenage Years Gallery.” Each gallery entrance highlights and glows intermittently in light blue color clearly displaying the name of the gallery under it, once selected to show you where to proceed.
  • How does the museum “Location Map” work?
    The museum location map is displayed at the top left hand corner of your screen to show you where you are in the museum in real time. Simply click “Show Map” to enable this feature. A black pyramid shaped cursor shows your current position in the museum at any time. You can click on any gallery on the map to be taken directly to that gallery instantly at any time. If you no longer wish to see the map, simple click “Hide Map.” PLEASE NOTE: If you Hide Map you will miss your Virtual Avatar guided tour.
  • How does the Restart Museum Tour Work?
    At any point if you would like to restart the Virtual Avatar tour from the beginning, simply click “Restart Museum Tour”, and you will be re-directed back to the foyer to start the tour again.
  • How do I start the tour once inside a gallery?
    You can start the Virtual Avatar tour once inside any of the galleries. Simply click “Play Room Tour” and it will talk about the items in that room. PLEASE NOTE: If you move out of that room, the Virtual Avatar will keep talking about that gallery until completes the gallery sequence.
  • How does the “Community Chat” feature work?
    We are so excited to be able to offer a “Community Chat” feature in the Princess Diana 3D Virtual Museum. Click on the “Community Chat’ feature. This will open a box where you enter your username. Once you connect you can start texting anyone else that is visiting the exhibit at the same time. You can see other “blue circles” on the floor that indicate other people visiting the museum. Once here you can chat with anyone visiting the Princess Diana Museum from anywhere around the world in “real time”. This feature allows you to connect in real time either by text chat or live video feed using the latest security features, Unity© end user policies apply. Other browser specific restrictions may apply, please refer to the “Introduction” section of this FAQ page. We ask that all chats and video calls are kept courteous, respectful and professional. DISCLAIMER: Using our Community Chat messaging and video for telemarketing and soliciting products or services, harassing, bullying, engaging on discriminatory acts about sexual orientation, race, marital status, religion, politics or immigration status, or other inappropriate conduct offensive to other users is strictly prohibited and will terminate your access to the museum immediately. The opinions expressed by users are the sole responsibility of such users, in any way The Princess & The Platypus Foundation and/or The Princess Diana 3D Virtual Museum shares or endorse any of the opinions or views expressed in this Community Chat.
  • How does the VIDEO “Community Chat” feature work?
    If you would like to connect with someone in the “Community Chat” room via video it is important that you ask them first. If they agree you will be prompted to accept the conditions of a ‘secure server’ connection. After you hit the telephone icon it will ask you whether you accept the call to connect. Once you do, you will both be connected and be able to move around the museum sharing your experience in real time. The “EYE ICON” allows you to click on it to see the immediate prospective of the person you are connected to, so you get to see what they are seeing. If you want to end the video call at any time simply click the “red telephone button” in the middle of your screen. This will send you on your way to explore the Princess Diana 3D Virtual Museum. PLEASE SEE LEGAL DISCLAIMER FOR ADDITIONAL DETAILS.
  • What type of web browser do I need to run the Princess Diana 3D Virtual Museum?
    The Princess Diana 3D Virtual Museum is designed to run in all popular web browsers. Make sure you update your browser to the last version available. Check your settings or help menu in your browser and check for available updates if any, please update your browser. The Princess Diana Museum is live online 24/7, high speed server specific downtimes are beyond our control and no express warranties or claims are made here, Go Daddy© High Traffic Business Hosting Server Service Policy applies. The Princess Diana 3D Virtual Museum can be accessed anywhere in the world with a wired or high speed wireless always on internet connection, ADSL/DSL/ Ethernet where applicable, additional service fees may apply please check with your local internet service provider (ISP). You can access The Princess Diana Museum anywhere in the world from any desktop computer, laptop and/or tablet device regardless of the operating system you are running, we do not offer support for mobile smartphones devices such as Apple iPhone© or Google Android© due to the large amount of information rendered in The Princess Diana Museum small screen devices are not appropriate to navigate the museum. The Princess Diana Museum can be best viewed using Google Chrome and Firefox internet browsers and will also work with any popular internet browser except Windows Internet Explorer which to date has been officially discontinued by Microsoft. Other browser specific restrictions apply to Apple Safari and Microsoft Edge due to security issues presented with the use of our dedicated community messaging and video chat Unity® engine within the museum.
  • What do I need to do with the cookies in my browser?
    Make sure you accept "cookies" in your browser, here are simple steps on how to do this: What are Cookies? PLEASE NOTE: If museum loading page suddenly stops or crashes please check your cookies settings and empty the history cache in your browser settings to refresh the page.
  • Why are the items on display in the Museum taking a long time to load?
    During navigation a message “loading artwork” appears that is a normal aspect of loading a great amount of digital graphic assets, in this case the items on display. As you navigate through the museum, the graphic engine will automatically render the artwork and this message will appear. The museum contains hundreds of 3D models, as well as video and audio feeds, and thousands of original photographic pieces. Loading may take time in some cases.
  • What happens if I choose to leave the museum and come back?
    If you choose to close or end your session you can come back at any time during your active subscription through our foundation page portal ( Click on "current member" link. You will be redirected to the sign in page where you enter your username and password.
  • What happens if I forget my username and password?
    Please navigate to your login page and click “forgot password” for the system to send you a recovery password email.
Princess Diana Museum Important considerations about your internet service and browser:

The Princess Diana Museum is live online 24/7, high speed server specific downtimes are beyond our control and no express warranties or claims are made here, Go Daddy© High Traffic Business Hosting Server Service Policy applies. The Princess Diana 3D Virtual Museum can be accessed anywhere in the world with a wired or high speed wireless always on internet connection, ADSL/DSL/ Ethernet where applicable, additional service fees may apply please check with your local internet service provider (ISP).

You can access The Princess Diana Museum anywhere in the world via your internet web browser from any desktop computer and laptop running Windows PC or MAC operating system. We do not offer support for mobile smartphones or tablet devices such as Apple iOS iPhone© or Google Android©. Due to the large amount of graphical information rendered in The Princess Diana Museum small screen devices are not appropriate to navigate the museum.


The Princess Diana Museum can be best viewed using Google Chrome and Firefox internet browsers and will also work with any popular internet browser except Windows Internet Explorer which to date has been officially discontinued by Microsoft. Other browser specific restrictions apply to Apple Safari and Microsoft Edge due to security issues presented with the use of our dedicated community messaging and video chat Unity® engine within the museum. 

Download and read "It's All About The Hair:  My Decade with Diana, H.R.H. Princess of Wales" E-Book on Apple, Google and Amazon

Apple Books and Apple devices


Click, download and install Apple Books App for iOS Devices


What is an EPUB file?

An EPUB file may be used on a dedicated e-reader device or by installing an e-reader app or other software on your computer, smartphone, or tablet. A key feature of the EPUB format is that it is optimized for different devices and displays, making for a better reading experience.


How do I read EPUB files on Apple Books?

Make sure you've downloaded the iBooks application from the App Store onto your device. Connect your device to your computer, and then open iTunes on your computer. Drag the ePub file to Books, listed on the left side of the iTunes window, under Library. Synchronize your device with iTunes.


How to open an EPUB file on an iPad?

1. Launch the latest version of iTunes on PC or Mac. 

2. Click the "Books" icon and navigate to the"Books" section. 

3. Select the ePub files you want to load to iPad and drag them to the interface of iTunes. 

4. Tab "My Books" and then you can view the ePub eBooks you added to the iPad.


How do I put EPUB books on my iPad?

(epub file), you can use iTunes to transfer it to your iPad:

  1. Open iTunes and from the File menu, choose Add to Library.

  2. Navigate to the ebook file and add it to your iTunes Library.

  3. Connect your iPad to your computer and sync it with iTunes to transfer the book to your iPad.


Add Books to iPad With iCloud

  1. Open the Books app. If you don't have it, install Books from the App Store.

  2. Select Library.

  3. Select Collections, then choose the appropriate menu item such as Downloaded, Books, or PDFs to see the books you purchased. ...

  4. Tap an e-book to download it to your iPad

  5. How to Read EPUB and PDF Books on iPhone and iPad

  1. Get Documents and launch the app.

  2. Tap the purple plus button at the bottom right.

  3. Choose from where to add the books. You can import books from the Files app, any cloud storage or even your computer.

  4. Pick the desired book. ...

  5. Tap a book to start reading.


For additional help please click and visit Apple Books Support Center

Amazon Kindle

Please visit Amazon Kindle to check system requirements, download and install apps to add your EPUB e-book to Amazon supported devices, PC/MAC desktop and/or laptop computers.

Windows 7/8/10/11 Desktops/Laptop/Tablets/Phones:


Please visit Microsoft Store download and install EPUB App


Android Chrome laptops, tablets and phones:


Please visit Google Play download and install EPUB App 

The Princess and the Platypus Foundation is a 501c3 Public Charity EIN #82-5233551. Its mission is to fund raise in order to acquire, loan, maintain, preserve, educate and display to the public items of historical and cultural interest relating to Diana, Princess of Wales, at *The Princess Diana Museum, Princess Diana Traveling Exhibits and Princess Diana publications and to give back to other charities in her honor.

Share your Princess Diana story with us on Social Media! #PrincessDianaMuseum

Additionally, we are looking to connect with people who have unique personal items and special mementos to donate, sell, or loan so that we may preserve them as part of

The Princess Diana Museum. Email:


Copyright © 2017-2025, The Princess and the Platypus Foundation. All Rights Reserved. 

The Princess and the Platypus Foundation is a Registered 501(c)(3) Charity (No. 82-5233551).

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