Greeting friends and fans of The Princess Diana Museum!
We hope this finds you feeling healthy and well, dutifully "staying home and staying safe" for the health of your families, friends and global community. We have been busy plugging away on our end with some great results that we would like to share with you.

Here's what's up:
1. YOU can access the Princess Diana Museum for free! One month access here.
2. Right now The Princess Diana Museum is a world leader and ranking HIGH in search engines!
3. Ortelia Interactive Spaces, the creators of The Princess Diana Museum, wrote a blog post that we want to share with you here.
As we adapt, as you are in these rapidly changing times, it is our aim to bring you the highest quality online, interactive experience you have ever seen. Carefully curating Princess Diana items in this museum, then turning it into a 3D virtual environment, was no small task. This museum is years in the making and a true labor of love. We know you will want to take your time to visit each unique item inside.

Here's what people are saying:
"I am finishing the tour of the museum and honestly my heart has been filled, the work they have done is immensely impressive. Receive my most sincere congratulations to each one of you. What an honor to be able to access this record. Of course I will share this magnificent work to preserve the value and legacy that our beloved Diana, Princess of Wales has left us. Infinite thanks once again".
With all my love and admiration,
María José Lagos
"Once inside the Princess Diana Museum I was transported into a time capsule of carefully chosen items from the life and times of Princess Diana. There's memorabilia from her childhood that is a delight to learn about as each item has accompanying facts and information. I cannot believe how in depth this experience is and how enjoyable it is to visit each room. A lovely collection that brings to life the Princess I remember and forever adore".
In joy,
Nicole Barrington
In closing, it is our deepest desire for life as we know it to return to a time where we are all healthy as a global community. Until then, we are in this together! Be well. #humankindnessmatters